Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I've been slackin, but no one reads this so oh well. Anyway, I have been crazy busy with school and work. I am so so tired ;-)

Things with old dude are falling off, I haven't seen him in a month which is ok, but he hasn't called in two weeks. No facebook note, no nothing. I told him about how he makes me feel unimportant, but things haven't gotten better. I'm not sweating it. I can do so much better. I'm not putting up with the things that I have been letting slide for the past few years. It's all about me. I'm worth more. I think I deserve a phone call, or a little message if you can't call because you are out of the country. You could at least send a letter!! So whatever.

I do want to explore things with my best male friend. I really care for him, and I love him with all my heart, but am I feeling this way because I've been rejected by someone else? I don't want him to be the rebound so I'm gonna give it time. I would hate to ruin a 7 year friendship because I'm not emotionally ready. 

I'm scared to take the GRE! Seriously.

More later...

perfectly imperfect...