Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Part 2

This summer has been crazy!!! I haven't been on here in months and there is so much for me to say! Maybe I should make a list.

1. I totaled my car on Father's Day. I'm ok now, but I wasn't for a while. I miss Tinkerbell 1, but I LOVE Tinkerbell 2!!!

2. I cut loose the old dude, and moved on to another one. He's f-ing up right now though, so I may be 100% single for my birthday.

3. Working at Starbucks has taught me a lot. My last day is the 12th! Maybe I'll do a post listing the top 10 things I've learned.

4. Men suck. Some men do at least.

5. I love my mother!! She is paying my insurance for me so I can stay part time at my job an focus on school.

6. You only have a few true friends in this world. Keep them close.

7. Love is such a beautiful thing. I attended so many weddings this summer ; ( Hopefully I'll find it.

8. School sucks. Seriously. It's so freakin expensive! I mean damn, why does a book cost 200 dollars?

I'll add more later, i'm so slow today!

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