I work at Starbucks. It's an easy job, but it's a lot of foolishness that comes with it. Like District Managers. I understand, they have a job to do, but seriously? Do they have to be so ANAL about things. Like today, some kids kicked a dent in the wall. I clocked out because I knew I was gonna be the one who had to re-paint it. However, we got busy and I didn't have time to start on it. Then a group of people sat right next to the dent. So it really wasn't gonna get painted. So I cleaned up and got ready to leave when she came in. I was outside, on the phone with my mom walking to my car and she walked all in my path. I almost knocked her over, but I was trying to be nice. She didn't say hi, good morning, what's up or anything that you normally say when you greet someone.
DM said "You better take off your apron."
I was like "For what? I'm leaving."
DM: "It will get dirty"
Me: " I....am...leaving...to...go...home...and...I...will.....wash...it" (in my best slow voice)"
DM: "I don't want to contaminate it with outside air"
I raised an eyebrow at her and got in my car.
These are the things that make my job irritating. That, and training new people. But hopefully I will pick up a new gig this summer. Then I won't have to grind coffee ever again. Or steam milk.
I'm really upset that I have put almost 100 dollars in my funky little gas tank in the past 7 days. The farthest place I go is school and that's only 9 miles away!!! Grade A foolishness, I swear.
Celebrities That Tried Too Hard to Be Relatable
3 weeks ago
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